Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Inspiration Behind My Blog Name

I've been reading some inspirational blogs and decided I would give it a go. Not sure my blogs will be as inspirational as the others I have read but here goes:

The thought behind my blog name "K's Whole Kit & Kaboodle" came to me in a split second, who more inspirational to me than my Grandad, he was a great man who I love dearly. He passed away some years ago but I was involved in putting together his eulogy with my mum and aunt. After writing this eulogy and discovering all the different things Grandad's life encompassed we titled his eulogy The Whole Kit & Kaboodle.
I'm sure my blog will contain all different things so I thought K's Whole Kit & Kaboodle was appropriate; and I credit my inspiration to my Grandad. I was inspired to write a poem just days after his passing, after sharing this poem with my Grandmother and other family members, I was asked to read it at his funeral.

Grandad, a man who knew me by the touch of my hand,
A man who's travelled many parts of this land.
Grandad, a man with many a story to tell,
A man who remembered so well.
Grandad, a man who loved his cup of tea,
Liked to drink it cold with a sugar or three.
Grandad, a man who loved us all,
A man who we love more and more.
Grandad, a man as sweet as can be,
With many a friend and family.
Grandad, a man with an Akubra on his head,
A man named Edward, more than often called Ted.
Grandad, a man who loved to read,
A man well loved I'm sure you'll agree.
Grandad, a man with a hug so warm.
The greatest Grandad, E
dward Howard Elliott Warn.
Poem Written - August 28, 2001


  1. Wooo! First follower!
    I like the name alot, it's very personal to you which is nice.
    Very sweet poem, am sure your grandpa would have loved it.
    Look forward to reading more.
    Oh & welcome to Blogsville!!!!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere and thanks for stopping by my place. Hope your camper holiday goes well. Looking forward to catching up with future posts.

