Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Hate Sydney Traffic!!!

When working, I start at 7am and don't hit any traffic on my way to work. Its wonderful! I'm on holidays at the moment, which is also wonderful, but ... I took a friend to the airport this morning and hit the traffic! Its scary to think how many cars are on the road, and the majority of cars have only one person in them. No wonder traffic is banked up and it takes a half hour trip (at any other time of the day) an hour or more to drive. Its insane!

On top of the people on the road there are those people who think they own the road, the people who speed and break the road rules - the ones who never get caught but should be!!! The road is there to share, is that really so hard to get through the heads of the idiots of the road? I guess for some, it is!

After dropping my friend at the airport I decided to take a drive, that would normally take half an hour, but the traffic again was insane and took me an hour. The trip home wasn't much better, another half hour trip took me an hour. Its cray that all these people were on the road, right in the middle of the day ... does anyone work at all??

One particular driver really got up my goat, I was stuck in a lane, trying to merge in with the traffic, but no-one would let me in. Just as I was about to pull out, the guy behind me (also trying to merge into the traffic) tries to pull out in front of a bus. It kinda shocked me so I put my foot on the break to allow him through. What does he do? Blasts me like he's some big tough king of the road!!!! I'm sorry I'd like to keep my car in one piece .... oh, AND MY LIFE. I managed to pulled out in front of him and the bus, unscathed.

When he had the chance to get out of the lane he flew past me and stare the whole way past! Was it a crime for me to travel at a reasonable speed, and stay safe on the road?? Obviously this guy thought it was! Maybe he shouldn't of got his license of the back of a cornflakes box!!! It showed that his crazy speed and dodging traffic (and apparent toughness *cough cough*) did nothing for him, he didn't get any further ahead!!!

The funniest part of this whole thing was that the big tough 'king of the road' who was in fact big and beefy (thinking he was so hot without his shirt on) was driving the BIGGEST of girls cars ever - a purple Ford Festiva. I have no gripe about Festiva's because I used to drive one, but you'd probably picture such a guy driving a much bigger car. I just found it quite funny!

Well that's my gripe for the day, good evening.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Inspiration #2

I thought I might as well continue with the 'inspiration' theme from my previous blog!

The girl on the right of this picture is a true inspiration to me! She is the most wonderful, greatest friend in my life! A lovely and beautiful woman; who shares and cares more than anyone else I know.

As a friend, she is loyal and always there for me. We know each other so well and it feels like we've known each other a lifetime, the sad fact is it has only been 5 or so years. I don't know how I ever got by without her in years gone by ... and how I got so lucky. I am thankful each and every day for the addition she has made to my life.

Its can be tough though, since she doesn't live close to me, in fact she lives in another state. We try to see each other as much as possible, but sometimes things don't work out because the timing is out or something unfortunately comes up. But we get there in the end and the time we spend together is always memorable and yes, we make the most of it!

This photo was taken during one of those memorable times. This was the 2009 Australia Day weekend (can't you tell by the photo?), in Brisbane.
Love you long time J

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Inspiration Behind My Blog Name

I've been reading some inspirational blogs and decided I would give it a go. Not sure my blogs will be as inspirational as the others I have read but here goes:

The thought behind my blog name "K's Whole Kit & Kaboodle" came to me in a split second, who more inspirational to me than my Grandad, he was a great man who I love dearly. He passed away some years ago but I was involved in putting together his eulogy with my mum and aunt. After writing this eulogy and discovering all the different things Grandad's life encompassed we titled his eulogy The Whole Kit & Kaboodle.
I'm sure my blog will contain all different things so I thought K's Whole Kit & Kaboodle was appropriate; and I credit my inspiration to my Grandad. I was inspired to write a poem just days after his passing, after sharing this poem with my Grandmother and other family members, I was asked to read it at his funeral.

Grandad, a man who knew me by the touch of my hand,
A man who's travelled many parts of this land.
Grandad, a man with many a story to tell,
A man who remembered so well.
Grandad, a man who loved his cup of tea,
Liked to drink it cold with a sugar or three.
Grandad, a man who loved us all,
A man who we love more and more.
Grandad, a man as sweet as can be,
With many a friend and family.
Grandad, a man with an Akubra on his head,
A man named Edward, more than often called Ted.
Grandad, a man who loved to read,
A man well loved I'm sure you'll agree.
Grandad, a man with a hug so warm.
The greatest Grandad, E
dward Howard Elliott Warn.
Poem Written - August 28, 2001